Dear Global Youth Parnter Friends,
A new way of learning English
Glitter Graphics
MySpace Layouts
Dear Students,
This is a new way of using and learning English.
Let´s start by telling you something about myself.
I have been teaching for 12 years and studied three careers.
First I graduated as a Sworn Translator. ( Traductora Pública). It took me 5 years to graduate. As soon as I got married I decided to study a Postgraduate in Supervision and Educational Management. That was 2 years more after my graduate degree.
Once my first daughter was born I started another two year course at the University. As I worked everyday I had to attend classes on Saturdays. I graduated as a Univeristy Professor.
My favourite singer is Robbie Williams. I love the song Angels. I always listen to it when I go downtown to work by train. I couldn´t go to his concert because at that moment I had my second baby and I was breastfeeding her so I couldn´t leave her. I hope he returns to Argentina!!
What about you? What would you like to study? Who´s your favourite singer?
I´m very glad to be sharing this new space with all of you.